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Morab Mare

20 17:58:43

Im a 14yr girl training a 16 year old Morab mare who had a year vacation from rididng, she can jump walk trot canter and used to trail now shes terrified of anything outside of the arena. But thats not her main problem, she wont slow down! The reins must be kept tight and she has to wear a flash and bungees.Half halts make her faster and when you give leg cues like to move over she will instantly break into a trot or if shes trotting will go as fast as she can.

TO ride her my legs cannot ever touch her and i have to steer her reins only, my trainer wants to use me and her for the summer camp beacsue she believes that the mare can be used for lessosn for 7-10 year olds! COuld you give me some tips for slowing down my mare? And could you please give me some reasons why she is so leg sensitive.

Hi Robin!

I understand your questions but, I cannot give training advice to non-owners of the horse in question.  From what it sounds like you are working with a mare at the stables you ride in to get her ready for the summer programs.  If there is a trainer working there, I cannot help but wonder why she is not correcting this mare's issues.

As a side note, I feel I can say that the mare being a Morgan cross was most likely trained in Saddleseat Equitation.  This discipline requires the rider to keep the entire leg off below the knee.  Therefore, the mare has never had legs on her and is sensitive to any leg aids....not "dead" in the sides as most older horses are.

Good luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet!
