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wild horse

20 17:20:52

I adopted a abused wild horse and I was having a guy work with her.  He said he thinks that it was used for bucking stock and can not be retrained for riding is that true?  She's only three yrs old and I hate to give up on her.

Hi Jeannie,
         Did you adopt the mare from the BLM if so, then there is no way that she could be bucking stock. Either way, given time you will be able to ride her. First thing to do is to take her away from this trainer and work with her on her own. She will pick up on his attitude. Here are some sites to help you. Some of these people live in your state.,, Most of these people own Mustangs. You have plenty of time to work with your mare. At three she is still growing. Start by spending time with her, work on her ground manners first. Make sure that she can load, stand for the farrier, be caught, groomed, etal. If you can do all that then start to lightly lunge her. Just take your time with her. I have two ex bucking stock and they are now wonderful under saddle horses.
