Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > my horse Bullet

my horse Bullet

20 17:56:58

QUESTION: I take care of a horse named Bullet is a sweet old boy he loves attention. But he bit me while I was leading him and he runs from the bridle what should I do to keep his teeth to him self and come and stay still when I put on the Bridle.
         from a concerned horse lover,
         Cory Jo

ANSWER: Hi Cory,
         I have a few questions for you so that I can hep you better. How old is your horse? How long have you owned him? When was the the last time you had his teeth done?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Well I recently bought him 3 months ago he uses a snaffle bit and I am having a vet do his teeth soon so I not sure when the owners did last but he is a good horse owner so im guessing recently before I bought him

Hi Cory,
         I would first get his teeth done. It sounds as though they might be hurting him.  Horses bite to play or assert their dominance. You can use one of several methods. You can slap him on the muzzle but it can not be too soft or hard.

You can also use a lead chain and when he bites you should snap it.

