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Stubborn Walker

20 17:58:27

I have an 11 year old TWH who was gelded at 6 and i got him when he was 8.  He is wonderful when i work him in the arena and sometimes has no problem being out on the trail. However, when he gets excited and wants to speed up or does not want to do something he spins around a couple times and then stops, dead in his tracks. I have tried everything to get him to go forwards but he refuses to budge. It's almost as if he gets really really mad and then does not want to listen to anything i tell him. "hey, mom won't let me go fast... i'll just stop moving!" I've ridden a lot of horses and all of them had problems but i've never even heard of a horse doing this. Is he just that stubborn that he doesn't care what i do to him? Is it possible for a horse to be this stubborn? Please help.

Hi Christina

Thanks for your question.

I've found that horses are rarely stubborn - there is always an underlying problem somewhere.

It sounds like your horse is a little barn sour and also in need of some education.

I would suggest finding an instructor that can help you teach him some dressage or western pleasure.  The lateral movements will really help on the trails so that you can keep to the slower pace, but by doing some lateral movements take his mind off going fast as he will be concentrating on you and not on "let's see how far I can go today!" :)

Some general tips:

1. Find a good instructor - your boy needs some schooling

2. Vary his routine - change trails (if possible), do different things in the arena - start to play games.  Set up some buckets (or similar) and play some pony club games such as bending, barrel races (but not too fast!) etc - Make it FUN for him!

3. Ride with other horses (if possible).  A nice quiet steady horse on the trails can work wonders for the horse and for you!

4. Find a good instructor - you really need eyes on the ground for this one.

Notice a pattern forming?! ;0)

Good luck!