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long reining horses on roads

20 17:21:21

hello, why not to long rein  a horse on roads? here in our racecourse, all the horses are long reined on roads.

I personally would not to this too much in the States unless you have the correct environment. It is common to do in many areas and other countries, especially to get a horse used to traffic and obstacles. But  at least in the States, unless you are in an area where people know about horses, it is not that uncommon for people to honk horns, go fast, and try to scare the horse.

He is having enough to learn without contending with that. Also, if you HAVE to let go, he is down the road and could get hit by traffic. So it is fine to do if the horse has alread been started and you are in a safe area. I live in the country, and have had someone intentionally almost run into the horse.