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aggresive horse

20 17:45:38

I rescued a 4 year horse and  a 1 year stud. They were fine when we first brought them home. The 4 year old was really underweight. He was left out in the pasture for 3 years with this baby. He is real protective over the baby. I'm going to slip them up. Now that I have put some weight on him and he feels good his attitude has really changed. Real dormant. I mean charging, kicking, bitting (that is a real problem), laying ears back. He was not like this at first. The bitting problem is real bad, he has already bit 2 people already. I can't even put my hands on him to do anything with him because when I go to grab his halter he reaches out and bites. I got them last November. Can you please help me with him. I don't want to give up on him but i can't afford to get hurt or someone else.

Hi Jeanine!

You need help with him....way more than I can give you over the Internet!

Speak to your vet, farrier or tack shop and ask them to recommend a local trainer with experience in your horse's breed.  And also experience with difficult cases such as yours.  Have the trainer out to evaluate your situation and explain your goals to them.  If he must be sold, he certainly can't be in this state, right?  So spending a little time and money now on his training will get him ready to sell and you will make it back.  Why, the trainer may even know of someone who would be able to take him and properly understand his dominant behaviors, therefore making him a good new home.

You did a good thing in rescuing him.  But, rescues are hard and not for new horse owners.  One must think with their head and not their hearts, sometimes.

Good luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet!
