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yongster with no manners

20 17:36:19

hi i recently purchased a 7 month old section c welsh cob hes with a pal they grew up together they share a 16 by 12 ft stable with turnout had them gelded last week ive had him a week but he keeps trying to kick me when i want to approach he backs off i cant even get close enough to groom him how can i get him to trust me?

Hi Angela!

You need some hands-on help.  Someone right there to show you personally how to do ground manners with a baby.

Speak to your vet, farrier or tack shop and ask them to recommend a local trainer.  Also Google if you have a local Pony Club...they should definitely be able to help you.  Once you find a professional trainer, have them out to evaluate your situation and discuss your goals with this baby.  Hire him/her to train you and your baby together to give him the correct start he needs on his long road to being a riding partner.

Don't try to do this alone.  Either you or the baby could be hurt by your just trying with no real knowledge on how to handle him.  It sounds like he is not being "bad" right now.  He's just doing what comes naturally to him as an equine.

But, if you wait and wait and put off training him because you are scared and uncertain...because you have no help or training....he will get bigger everyday and more dangerous simply because of his size.  Couple that with no manners and a complete disrespect for humans and you are sure to get hurt.

Having a baby is a great responsibly.  The slaughterhouses are full of ill-trained horses...either through abuse or ignorance it does not matter.  No one wants to deal with them and their issues.  On the other hand, well-trained and correctly raised horses have long and happy lives with grateful owners.  Isn't that what you want for your baby?

So, get some hands-on help. Hire a professional trainer for a little while to teach you and/or join your local Pony Club to get advice and training. Educate yourself with books from the tack shop and library on how to teach proper ground manners to a baby.  Stay off those websites and chat rooms filled with stupid people mouthing off about how to train a horse.  Those sites are dangerous to both humans and horses.  Stick to books and articles from real professionals.  I like anything by Monty Roberts.

Good luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet!
