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horse rolling and sleeping on lunge: Rick Gore Horsemanship

20 17:22:43

My 10 yr TB mare has recently taken to rolling and then stretching out to rest when I first start to lunge her! The arena is sand. Even if i give her a whack with the whip she will still go gown and roll and then stretch out and even fall asleep. Fortunately she is not tacked up..only a halter and lunge rope. After I let her rest for a couple minutes she will get up when I prompt her to and then i will lunge her as usual. I have mixed feelings about this new behavior and wonder if I'm allowing some bad training to creep in since i try to stop it but she goes down any way. I also can see how good it feels for her to just enjoy that warm sand and rest in it. This is a well behaved and cooperative horse in just about every way except this. Is this something i should nip in the bud somehow or allow?
PS- I recently started giving her Mare Magic and Calm and Cool to help with some nervous spooking that came up this winter. I also put her back on an ulcer supplement. Winter storms seem to upset her. Possibly these calming supplements are causing this new behavior?

It does not appear that you have done any research on who you are asking questions. You write and tell me you are hitting a horse with a whip.  Wrong guy to be asking this.

Your horse is being a horse, you are being an uneducated horse owner and want to make this a horse problem, it is not a horse problem, it is a you problem. If you understood what was happening here, you would not be asking this.

If you have read and did some research you would have found this answer on my website or on my videos on youtube.

Then you talk about calming supplements to stop spooking. Another clue that you have no idea who you are asking and you are looking for some fast fix.

If want to put in time and effort to see what you are doing wrong then read my web site and watch my videos.  Then maybe you will be buying dumb supplements and wasting money trying to fix your horse when there is nothing wrong with your horse in the first place.