Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > Horse distressed at being left in field!

Horse distressed at being left in field!

21 8:55:57


My horse is kept in her own field with 3 other horses in the field directly next to hers.  I take her to the stable nearly every day and brush, ride (weather permitting) and feed her.  If I am short of time I will feed her in her field and wait until she has finished eating.  However, when I walk away she appears to get quite upset and will canter up and down the edge of the field bucking until I have gone out of sight.  Why is this?

Regards  Fiona

Hi Fiona,
          Your horse considers you to be a herd mate. She is saying that she enjoyes your company and misses you when you are going. Even though the other horses are in a field beside her she still can not interact with them like she would like to. Can you put another horse or pony in the field with her? If now can you put toys in the field with her? Things like large balls, a milk carton filled with rocks, an empty feed tub that she can play with.  
