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Trust -Halter? A young colt

21 8:55:39

I am halter training a colt, he is about 2-3 months old and he is, intelligent but shy and loses interest quickly. I am only trying to gain his trust at the moment and am trying to be able to touch him all over with my hand then a brush. I have introduced a soft brush to him and he enjoys it on his face, and neck and one time all over his left side. The other two, they are fillies, are close in age and love me. The colt, Blue, in the first few minutes with persistent calling, I will stand about 15 feet away and he will come, he will follow me after a few minutes, but just 5-10 steps. But after 10 min. he loses interest. I can pet his neck, but I have to move slower and I have been able to touch his whole left side once, but it hasn't happened again. How can I make the halter training fun and interesting, he is still wary so I can't find a way to make a game, any ideas?

**I don't want to attempt with the halter yet, so I suppose I am just gentling, but I am trying to work with him while he is young so he will trust me, his two playmates, the fillies, do, and he has seen them countlessly stand while I run a brush over them and today one filly had an itch I helped her with, he came right up and saw what I was doing, I could have touched him had he let me, any advice to keep his attention long enough to gain his trust? I know foals have a short attention span, but Blue's is perhaps 10 minutes and he won't let me do much as he is really jittery, any ideas of a way to make touching him a game or interesting?

Thanks for the question Mackenzie. :)

10 minutes for a young foal is actually a very normal, perhaps even long attention span. The best thing you can do to get your colt more trust worthy is to work with him multiple times a day, but say for only a couple minutes each time.

Just spend lots of time scratching him where he's got an itchy spot (most foals like their necks scratched, right by their manes). Make a point of spending some time with the mare as well. Since foals learn from their moms, its important for him to see his mom interacting with people a lot too... it will make him feel more comfortable.

As for making halter training fun for the foal, the same thing applies as above.. Make him feel good and he'll enjoy working with you a lot more.

I hope this helped you out a little and was what you were looking for. Please don't be afraid to ask me more or let me know if I didn't answer your question properly. :)