Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > 21 year old paso

21 year old paso

21 8:54:23

I was just wondering, When I go and feed Sydney and she is eating her grain, I'm shaking her hay out why would she rub me, or hit me with her face. Sometimes if you don't watch she'll push you into the stall.I really don't think she does it purposely to hurt you. Really she is a sweet heart.

Hi Theresa!

Sydney is not doing it to hurt you or be mean, trust me :-)

Horses get very excited at feed time.  I once knew an expensive American Saddlebred that would rear up in it's stall, fall down, get right back up and do it again when he heard the feed coming!

She is just saying, "Hurry up, give it to me"....also, she is giving you some horse lovin' like she would with another horse.  To her, you are part of her herd.

So, stand back a little farther so you don't get bumped into the wall and enjoy her when she's not trying to "love you to death"!  LOL!

Good luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet!
