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New horse with behavior issues

20 17:45:48

My Mom just recently purchased a 6 yr old gelding.  He started out really sweet and was wonderful to ride.  Then after we had him a week he started acting up. Spooking at things, jerking out of your hand,kicking out when being lunged, and when riding him he will just stop and you cannot get him to move forward.  We are currently trying to just lunge him until he is calm and then ride him till he is so tired he is falling asleep.  This seems like an awful lot of work.  Does he have some other issues maybe that we might be overlooking?  My Mom is thinking about selling him because she wanted to have a horse that was gentle and well trained. This horse is green broke and has had 3 onwers before us.  When we got him he was really thin and now he is putting on some weight a little. He is on pellet grain.  Can this horse be fixed without having to run him to the ground till he submits?

    Part of the rason that he was so quiet when you got him, was because he was underweight. You have two choices, one is to send him to a Trainer for 30-60 days for some Natural Horsemanship training and the other is to sell him for an older, more gentle horse.
