Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > What is next?

What is next?

21 8:55:32

Yes they are able to be tied and have good ground manners.  They were a bit difficult to get into the trailer when we brought them here, and we have not had the ferrier in, but we are able to touch their legs, feet etc.

Followup To

Question -
We recently purchased two 3 1/2 yr old paint mares which were basically raised as pets by an older lady.  They were broke to pull as a pair, and were ridden ocassionally.  We can jump on their backs bareback in the pasture while they graze.  They are extremely friendly, will saddle up without being tied up.  The problem I am having is that when I get on to ride they will not move.  We know next to nothing about horses, and just want to know what the next step is to train these girls to go where we would like them to go.

Answer -
Before I can give answer this question I have a few of my own :-).
What do you want to do with these horses? Are they able to be tied and have good ground manners? Do they stand for the farrier and trailer well?


Hi Grace,
         I just got the e-mail with your question today so I apologize for the delay. I would work on lifting their feet so that they can get them done. Also work on trailer loading. When you are riding them carry a small crop and give them a light tap and say walk. Make sure your reins are loose and that you are sitting up correctly. I would also do round pen work to teach them to move forward. Using a lunge lip have the horse move forward, whenever she stop slap the whip behind her and tell her to walk up. Do this about 30 minutes a day. Please keep me updated.
