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Separation Anxiety

20 17:31:18

Hi, I have a five year old mare that is a barrel racer. But for the past year or so, she hasn't been going into the arena. I think this is from separation anxiety, because when my sister's horse goes in, she jumps into the arena and follows him. At first I thought it was because she hates barrels, but she runs so hard for me when were doing the pattern. So I'm wondering how can I get her to move away from my sister;s horse and to go into the arena alone? Thanks.


I do not give training advice to Junior riders (under the age of 18 years old) because I feel the complicated process of training is to advanced for such a youngster.

However, I can say in the broadest of terms....I find most Juniors who write into me do not have so much as a "difficult" horse or a real training issue.  It is more they need to be stronger, more confident riders that will give clear and decisive signals to their mounts.  

A rider must always remember...they are 51% of the working partnership.  A horse will not do something simply because the rider thinks they should...the horse will do it if the rider understands the horse, the issue and then follows through with a true and decisive request.  I guarantee a professional trainer could get your mare to run into the arena and do the barrels all alone....probably on the first or second attempt.  

So, shouldn'ta professional or more experienced rider be called upon to fix this situation...fix both rider and horse?  Through training for the horse and lessons for the rider?
