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Halter Training a colt

21 8:55:39

I am halter training a colt, he is about 2-3 months old and he is, intelligent but shy and loses interest quickly. The other two, they are fillies, are close in age and love me. The colt, Blue, in the first few minutes with persistent calling, I will stand about 15 feet away and he will come, he will follow me after a few minutes, but just 5-10 steps. But after 10 min. he loses interest. I can pet his neck, but I have to move slower and I have been able to touch his whole left side once, but it hasn't happened again. How can I make the halter training fun and interesting, he is still wary so I can't find a way to make a game, any ideas?

Hi Mackenzie!

I have good news and bad news!  The good news is - YOU -  you are going about making this colt trust you in the only way you can.  Slow and steady with quiet but, firm resolve to succeed.

The bad news is - there is no quick or easy fix for Blue.  Horses have personalities just like people and he is more careful and will not trust easily.  You could also say he just doesn't care for you and prefers the company of other horses more.  And that's OK...he is a horse!

Just go slow and keep at it.  Watch him and let him set the pace and tell you how he feels.  Be as patient as you can and do not restrain him against his will.  It does not sound like you would but, I have an obligation to say it.

Slow and steady...he'll figure it out  :-)

Good Luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet!