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D ring bit and eggbutt bit comaprison

20 17:21:15

hello ma'am, i believe that D ring snaffle bit is heavier and more severe than eggbutt snaffle. am i right? does D ring bit put pressure on the tongue and bars of the horse mouth?

The action of the D ring and eggbutt snaffle are similar.
The D ring actually preceeded (came before) the Eggbutt.
They both prevent pinching the corners of the horse's lips.
The designs, more so the Eggbutt, ensure that the bit remains fixed in the mouth and allows little up and down movement. Whether or not this is an advantage or disadvantage depends on the viewpoint of the trainer.

I prefer the eggbutt snaffle to the dee ring.When I ride with a dee ring I find that the shape of the "d" makes contact less consistent-I find the effect is not always what I have asked for.