Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > Agression


20 17:46:21

I work part time at a yard which has horses of various ages and disciplines, and generally the horses there are pretty easy going with their own 'characteristics'. Some of these are easy to identify and understand, however as there are multiple people dealing with thesehorses, it's difficult to get a one on one solution. There is one particular mare which I would like to change the behaviour of. As a foal, she was in the field with the herd, and apparnetly (before my time) the local kids would go in, and somehow would get her to chase them, which became a game. A few years on and there is still agressive behaviour, in the stable, as you walk past, she throws her head out in a bid to bite you! Recently she was put in a feild of brood mares as she on field rest. She is not the lowest ranking mare, bar two young fillies, but when I go into the field to feed them with hay, she still walks over, ears pricked, then suddenly it changes, ears back, threatening. so far she just grabs a bit then throws her head about, but when walking back past her, she shows agressive movement, but has yet to actually make contact. would love to get her a bit more 'friendly' as ahe is a stuning dressage horse'

Sorry for not getting this sooner, I check pool questions every day and suddenly today 5 old questions showed up.  Must be glitch in site.

I need a little more info on this. Is this your horse?  Who riders her?  How much time in stall verses in pasture?  Is this just biting or does she ever spin her butt and try to kick?
