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Flighty 4 year old

21 8:55:42

My friend has a 4 year old welsh section D gelding, she bought him as an untouched 2 year old, which meant it took her time to even touch him, he is on a mixed yard and is turned out for 12-14 hours a day with mares, gelding of all ages.
She has managed to achieve a great deal with him, he goes in a trailer to local shows, he had been bitted, rugged(although he is still not comfortable with this) loose scholed, and goes on the lunge.  He has had a saddle on but the problem arises when the stirrups goes on, he also objects to the side rein hanging down on the roller whilst being lunged any ideas please!

Hi Tracey!

So, the horse does not tolerate anything touching/banging on his sides.
Well, tell him to " Get Over It " !

Young horses must go through an unpleasant period of adjustment to new and strange concepts. Such as stirrups.
The first time you put something new on them expect a certain ammount of erratic behavior. Bucking, shying, kicking at the offending piece of tack, running around REALLY fast with a worried look on their face. All these things are perfectly normal.

What I recommend is to put him in a safe, enclosed place with a longe line and have a helper hold him loosly whilst feeding him grain or treats. While he's distracted put the saddle on him with the stirrups long so as they will give him a good smack in the side. Then let him free and he will work it out himself.  This sort of sacking out should take only about 30 minutes.

You will see him go form hysterical/furious to grudging acceptence. Do it 2 days in a row at first, then give him a day or to off before you do it again. By then he should not care one wit. Then you will be able to longe him with the saddle and stirrups. If he figures out the stirrup thing it should transfer to the side reins and any other scary or bothersome piece of tack in the future!

I know this sounds "too simple" but, desentsitation to the fear is the only way to conquer it.

Good Luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helemt!
