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untraining a quarter horse

20 17:47:25

is it possible to untrain my quarter horse whom i have been told is trained as a cutting horse?

Hi Wayne!

Don't think of it as un-training!  Just think of it as building on the skill set your horse already has.  Just because your horse has been trained for cutting does NOT mean it is the only thing that can be done with him.

Look on my horses are all skilled show horses that do a variety of different things.  They may be more talented in special areas, but they do do it all!  My daughters intermediate level three-day-event horse was chasing cows this summer.  She was break-away roping on him.  There is a picture of my hunter competiting in the Mountain Trail Horse Championships!   

This attitude of single event horses is just silly!  Don't allow the "experts" to limit what you do with your horses.  I have to laugh, because at horse shows people are always asking me why my horses are always "fresh" and not sour in the pen...I tell them what I do with my horses and they just have a fit.  They don't want to believe what they are seeing.  

Tell people you believe in cross training.  It keeps horses happy and alive!  Your cutter has great skills that you can continue to build on.  He should be a solid all around citizen.  What do you want to do with him next?  Horses are SMART!  Cutting horses are bred to think, they have to!  My sister owned an own son of Docs Oak.  His name was Docs Smokin' Oak and he was a great cutting horse and show horse.  Guess what, he was also a great trail horse, go camping in the hills horse, go ride on the beach you see what I'm saying!  You can't un-train any way.  It's like asking you to lose your job skills that have made you successful in your life.  You don't lose them, just build on them.

Your horse may be a very talented cutter and a so-so western pleasure horse, but he can still do it!  I'm a pretty darn good cook but only so-so when it come to big deal, I do it any way!  

Have fun with your WHOLE horse.  Do the things that make you both happy.  You can really tell when a horse loves what they are doing.  It is obvious.  My daughters big TB event horse LOVES to jump but he had a blast chasing cows this summer.  He wasn't great at it, but he was sure happy.  

Have FUN!  Let me know what you are up to next!  

Smiles, Denise  

Hi Wayne!  I noticed on my log that it looks like this answer was not read?  I hope you saw the answer.  I don't want you to think I forgot about you!  

All the Best, Denise