Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > A bitting donkey

A bitting donkey

20 17:47:25

We have an intact male 'Hank' that we bought at a stock sale about a year ago...he is a big baby never had any problems with him being aggressive at all. He has ran with cows with no problems, with mares with no problems, but when we put him with a jenny, he bites them on the hip bad enough that we have to doctor the spot, we thought it might have been the jenny so we tried again with a different jenny but with a close eye.  But the result was the same he was bitting?  Is there any hope for him?  Anything we can try? I hate to get rid of him, but I don't want him hurting the jennys either!  Thank you for your time!

Hi Kateruah,
              That behavior is typical of a Jack. The best thing you can do for him is to geld him. Jacks can be very dangerous and have been known to maim or kill both animals humans. If he is your pet then have him gelded :-)
