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A foot problem

20 17:57:17

We were recently looking at a pony to buy, as i was riding him for my dad to look at he said that occasionally her fetlock area would "give out" she didn't seem bothered by it and she didn't miss a step but her ankle would just bend in ways that it shouldn't. What i want to know is if this is something that i should get into is this a pony that will later have leg problems, or maybe even break something as i increase speed on her?

Well, first and foremost you should ABSOLUTELY have a Pre-Purchase exam done on this horse. The term "No Foot-No Horse" is very important to remember.  Also alot of questions to ask a seller is:

How long have they had this horse?  
Why are they selling the horse?
What has this horse been used for?
Was the horse having this issue during their ownership?
Has anything been done to treat/remedy this issue?

It is up to the owner to give you honest answer's and whether they do or don't is a gamble.  That also is why they have Pre-Purchase exams.

It sounds like you plan on riding this horse and I don't think it would be in the horses best interest or yours to make that purchase without that exam.  In the long run you will find out, that it was money "Well Spent".   

Long-term effects of this type of movement could lead to pressure-induced effects medially due to uneven loading of the bone or joint and strain effects laterally due to pulling of the tendons or ligaments. I would have radiographs of the fetlock joint done, that would show whether the fetlock joint has a narrowed joint space medially due to excessive wear on the cartilage, or whether signs of arthritis are present.  Your vet will probably want do a flexion test as well, which shows alot about a horse in very little time, when performed correctly.

The pastern and fetlock are the shock absorbing system of the legs.  I don't take any chances with my horses especially when it comes to their legs.

Hope this has helped and best wishes to you.