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4 yr old

20 17:24:23

My horse is a 4 year old quarter horse mare, who this spring had a surprise filly. I just recently started working her again, and she so far can execute what we have worked on, one rein stops, left, right, backwards, this is my second horse that I have started with little to no help and now im stuck on where to go from there. I would like to be able to do showmanship, halter classes, a little reining, working cow horse possibly I just need a good foundation

Hi, First of all, Kudos to you for wanting to lay a great foundation on your mare. You'll have a much more willing and versitile horse to enjoy. Sounds like you are off to a great start. I'd start incorporating more flexion and body control. Lateral and vertical flexion is key to some of the events you want to focus on, so is having independent control of each body part. Sidepassing, two tracking, shoulder ins, etc., will all help create the suppleness and contol you want. Start with small steps, reward each one. Be sure to remember that horses learn from the release of pressure or the cue, not the pressure itself. So if she even takes one step in the right direction, reward her. I'd also add some simple ground poles to give you both something to focus on. Working keeping her between the reins and walking over them straight, side passing over them, using them as a cross over in the middle of a figure eight is also good.  And remember everything you are doing under saddle, you should mimim on the ground. Slow controlled rollbacks are also a great exercise, getting her to use her hocks and lift her shoulders in the turnaround, but again, the previous exercises are key to that. If you can't ask for a sidepass or two track, you won't get a clean, smooth turn around or spin from her.

Best Wishes, Jen