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Bitting Controversy

20 17:22:04

QUESTION: I have a 7 yr old rescue OTTB who I have been schooling in english and hunter hack for 2 years. He has an extremely level head and is really starting to learn now how to use his body and bring his head down and in. Ever since I got him and first bridled him with a plain eggbutt snaffle he GNAWS at the bit. Constantly. When I bridle him I get no rejection. Often times he will take the bit from my hands. I currently have moved on to a loose ring snaffle with sweet iron and copper inlays. It is a small bit and he has a low palate. there really isn't alot of room in his mouth. But when I ride him or even have him standing in his stall for that matter, his mouth is busy chewing and chomping and gnawing at the piece of metal in his mouth. When we ride he will move forward onto the bit(chewing the whole time) but sometimes attempt to drag the bit from my hands by pulling his head down. I plan to show him and need to fix this. He is a great horse, responds to leg and seat as well as rein aids but simply wont stop chewing on the bit. I know a little munching is good but this is a tense gnashing of teeth. His teeth have been checked and he is sound all around. He is salvaing alright too. His mouth isnt dry though not dripping either. Doesn't get panicky with it or anything. Should I upgrade to a mild myler bit? Is this a sign of any specific thing or am I going to just have to deal with it? I know this will effect me in the show ring but it effects me when I ride. My hands are getting sore no matter how light I try to be. I don't(nor does my trainer) consider me to have heavy hands. I just want what is best for my boy.

ANSWER: Hiya Allie,

Try a flash noseband....quite tight, and my friends OTTB does EXACTLY the same thing.  She constantly chews on the bit, and her teeth squeak on you may just have to put up with the noise!  Sorry!!!

The flash though will stop him getting his mouth too far open.  Also, a bit with a tongue suppresser on it may help.  

Hope this has helped and good luck with your boy, he's a lucky horse to have found someone to give him a second chance.

Emma xx

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for your answer but I do not support the use of flashes/draw reins etc etc.. I would rather solve the problem at the heart rather than just tie his mouth shut to "solve" a problem. He will still have a problem with the bit. H just wont be able to show his displeasure in this way. Any other suggestions that attack the actual problem?


I am not saying tie his mouth shut, but a flash is useful in stopping a horse opening his mouth and evading the bit during retraining.  As for the actual chewing and mouthing on the bit, you may just have to put up with seems to be a TB thing.  Maybe changing the material that the bit is made from, ie from steel to sweet iron or copper to help him accept the bit more.  

It's a case of playing around with bits and materials until you both find a combination you are happy with, ie a bit that fits him, and he's happy with and that gives you the required level of control.

Emma xx