Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > stuborn?


20 17:45:07

i am 35 ,i had my first horse at 14yrs , then at 22 i sold her at, 30 i got back into horses , i had been riding mostly drafts in the last 3yrs,i bought a 12yr appy mare ,she is fine to lead but all the time lunging  and sometimes riding she backs up and gets a bit aggitated ,when i come up to her she calms right down but will still do it no matter what i try ,lunge whip ,click ing , talking calmly, she backs up while lunging at the closest spot to the barn , i am not sure what to do , she has been in a stall ,two days ago we let her out with one other horse ,and they seem to get along with each other well, i have had her for six weeks , she is use to being out , thank you

Not sure what your questions is, if it is backing, a horse will back to look for release from pressure.  If she backs while lounging, you are probable in front of the driveline, when lounging you have to be behind the driveline to encourage forward movement.

If she backs when riding, you have to encourage forward movement, make sure the reins are slacked, your body says go forward, you squeeze and click.

Hope that answers you.


PS: there are NO stubborn horses.  A horse is just a horse, people don't understand them, give them mixed or wrong signals and the horse gets confused, does the wrong thing and then people blame the horse.  It is never the horse's fault!  Read my web site.
