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Kicking Out For Food

20 17:26:28

What Souuld I do ??

My Best Freinds Pony Dogal Kicks Out for food

A cople of days a go me and my freind Becca (Dogals Owner)
Were out in the Paddic Play with (My pony Dan) Dogal Had My lik I gave Him Ok.
Then Becca went over to see him she patted him on the neak Well.

He went to bit Her What a fight she got !!!!
So then he was Bucking about to try hit her.
She came running over crying (When we found the problem)

Today it was my turn to feed with my mum.
So I took Doog out so Dan (The biggest one)
Would not take doogs Food (Doog is only a Welsh Montain)
I took him out the went to get the food.
My Mum Was up there Waiting for me.
Then I saw dogal had a Turnip So I whent to get it.
Then I just went to grab it a he kick out at me (He did not get me)
I got a Big fight (and started to Cry )

Can you help me ?


This horse is NOT being mean, he is being a horse, that is how horses tell other horses not to take food or not to mess with them.  This horse see you and others that he kicks at, as a lower horse.  You need to read my web site so you understand horses better.  This horse is doing what all horses do.