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Pulling on the bit

21 8:54:38

I have a five year old arab/QH mix. She was green when I bought her three months ago. I have been working her consistantly.  My question is: She will pull on the bit (snaffle) or shake her head. Especially if she gets tired. I have had her teeth checked and they are fine. Can you give me the reason she would be doing this, and how I can stop it. She also grabs onto the bit when I place it in her mouth. The prior owner has been riding her on the trail with a snaffle off and on for over a year. The mare is very light.

Hi Debra!

First, I have to ask if she is wearing a cavasson?  Is it tight enough?  Next, is she wearing a martingale?  If so what kind?  In western they call it a tie-down, English it's a standing. Then of course, there is the running and German.  I think she could use one but, I cannot say which yet.

However, I need to know what kind of shaking she is doing with her head to further recommend some tack to help solve the problem.  Does she shake her head up and down?  Or side to side?  When does she do it?  At which gait?  When she is standing still?  Does she only do it when she is tired and stressed out by over stimulation?  Or does it start as soon as you mount and continue throughout the whole ride?

What are your plans with her.  Showing?  In what discipline?  If you just want to trail ride, then you should be willing to put anything on her to make her comfortable and responsive.  Whereas, in a show ring, you are very limited in what she can ride in.

Of course she needs to be longed and not just to tire her out but, to teach her bit acceptance.  Are you doing anything on the longe?

So, if you give me a few more facts, I can more accurately answer your questions!  :-)

Good luck and always remember to wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet!
