Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > Bad Habit/ Stumbling

Bad Habit/ Stumbling

20 17:58:30

QUESTION: My 14 year Mare has been stumbling/tripping... a LOT!! and I cant figure out why. Her hoofs seem level, and she seems Ok. We ride in sand, grass, ect for ponyclub reasons. And Shes Constantly tripping, and I also would like to know, How dangerous is it? thx for the help.

ANSWER: Hi Kristyn!

This is a question for your blacksmith.  He needs to see her go, preferably with you on her.  If he clears her,  ask the vet to watch her go and do a lameness test on her and also have the vet check the blacksmith's work.  He may be doing her hooves incorrectly and the vet should be able to tell that.

Lastly, it could be you.  If you are not supporting her head while she rides and she is a little off due to lameness, hoof soreness or such....she needs you to help balance her.

The vet should have the final say as to what is wrong.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: What is the best(and how) way to 'collect' and support my mares head, because of stumbling?

Hi Kristyn!

This is almost impossible to explain over the Internet.  A simple question with a very, very complicated answer because every horse and their problems are different.  One size does not fit all!  LOL!!

You should have a trainer/instructor show you how to accomplish this on your mare with consideration to her particular problem.

Your Pony Club, vet or farrier should be able to recommend a local trainer to come out and evaluate you and your mare's riding together.

But, first and foremost ~ Have the vet out to tend to her leg injury.
