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tacking up

20 17:58:29

My aunt has this 13 thoroughbred mare and everytime we try to put a saddle on her she tries to go down on her knees this has been happening for 5 years. There was an accident at one of the stables my aunt was boarding at her horse was in the barn and one of my aunts horses friends came in to get wormed and while he was getting wormed he knocked his head on the celing and ended up dying a few days later ever since then we are never able to put a saddle on her and do the girth up any advice would be appreicated ... Shantel

Hi Shantel!

I cannot give training advice to non-owners of the horse in question.

However, I can say in the broadest of terms, this mare should be seen by the vet ASAP to see if this is a health issue ( E.P.M. for example) and not a training one.

Good luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet!
