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Herd-bound horse

20 17:47:13


I recently bought a BLM mustang gelding about 3 months ago. He's almost 6 years old and he's a great horse, but he's a very, very dominant alpha horse. He is kept in a pasture with about ten other horses [both mares and geldings] and he is top dog.

My problem is that he is herd bound. Although he listens to my cues and respects my space, his attention is ALWAYS on the barn when I try to ride him. I usually either ride him in my trainer's pasture or in a little grass arena at my barn. Either way, he's always got one eye out looking for an escape back to the other horses and the other eye on me.  I want to get his full attention, but no matter what I do (serpentines, rollbacks, etc.) he won't give me his full attention. He isn't bad - He is actually pretty responsive to my cues, but he is always looking for a moment to bolt. He has bolted on me towards the barn before, and I always turn his head around and put him back to work, but it doesn't seem to be helping.

I was just wondering if you had any suggestions about this...Would separating him from the herd during the day make him better or more aggressive? He is kept in a stall next to another horse at night. Well thanks so much for your time.


Hi Brianna!

While I feel that time and consistent training will help to lessen if not altogether eliminate this issue...I am not familiar with Mustangs.

I recommend you send this question to another expert on this site, Lisa Kalp.

Good luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet!
