Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > Bridling


21 8:55:19

I hope you can help.  A few months ago I purchased a 4 year old belgum/QH cross filly.  The main problem I am having with her is getting her to except the bit.  I found out her previous owner had chip one of her teeth giving her a bad experince.  I have tried to sweeten the bit, I have tried the rubber training snaffle bit and just about everything I can think of.  Yet she still throws her head and grits her teeth.  Once I do get the bit in (after great effort) she is fine.  She use to also panic when the bit came out but we've got to the point where she doesn't rear when doing that anymore.  If I could solve this problem I would have a good horse to work with.  Help!

I had a stallion I worked with who had the same issue. We have to break bridling down into little pieces, and boy, do we need to be patience. First just wiggle the bridle in your hand while standing next to her then take it away and wait for her to seem calm again. Repeat repeat repeat until she doesnt care, then push it a little closer, can you have your right hand up like you are bridling her and slowly build to just getting into position to ask- but dont ask! The first part is the most important, once you are close enough to touch her with your hands stay in the same position even as she tosses her head and when she seems still, even just for a moment thats when you take it away. You are teaching her that when she is busy with her head you stick in the same position as best you can, and when she is calm you leave her alone. Try this for a week or so and let me know what comes up, then we will work on the final pieces-she sounds like a nice horse!
Best Wishes