Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > Rodeo


21 8:55:19


I am in the process of schooling my 4 year old, gelding who I have home bred. He is playful but this week after about 10 minutes of a light hack in an open field (where he has been before)where there were cattle (but he is used to them)he kind of went ballistic and turned into what I can only describe as a rodeo horse - dumped me on the floor and tanked around the field for about 10 mins. At the moment he is 24hrs turned out, alone.

Also when I am riding him (currently in an snaffle bit - with martingale) he tends to throw his head up slightly, to stop this am I best to change his bit, noseband or use something like side reins?

Many thanks

Hi Joanne!

I would have to say it's just a case of the "Fours"....

You did not say if he has done this before or if he has been good all along and just out of the blue went bad that day.

If he has been pretty good and really has tried to do as you have asked, I would write this off as just being four.

Think of a toddler...sometimes they have a bad day and a tantrum ensues. You may have pushed him past his point of comfort and he had enough.

Generally, a horse is not reached the age of maturity until the age of 10 yrs old.

I would need more information to decide if it was your fault or his.

Also, I would need to know when he throws his head before I can reccommend a tack change.  Does he do it when he stops, when he backs, when he's wanting to go but, you won't let him....or maybe he's just tired or you are doing something unconsiously and it's aggravating him.

Take some time to really think over the events that led up to his rodeo time in the field.

I would be more than happy to answer your questions if I get all the facts.

Good luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet!
