Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > proud cut gelding?

proud cut gelding?

20 17:58:33

i have a 5yr gelding i have had for approx year and a half, he has never showed any problem untill here lately. he has  been pastured with 2 mares, and another gelding for all this of thur of last week we found our big gelding dead, he had been knocked down and pawed to death. this horse has won several amounts of money an prizes. i had never seen anything this harsh. today when i got home he had one of my mares pined up, and was mounting her, and had ejaculoated all over her. the markings on her back shows he had done this several times before. this mare is not even showing any signs of being in heat. i dont know what to do about this, i have a bunch of money tied up in this horse. have you ever seen any of this behavior before? we havent done anyhthing different in the last year.

Hi Rachel,
            I am sorry about the loss of your gelding. If you have not done it yet, then remove the other horse from the pasture with your mares. Bring your horse to the vet for a complete check up. Make sure the vet does complete blood work. If the Vet is unable to find out what the issue is then I would rehome this horse.
