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horse hops in the canter

20 17:24:29

QUESTION: she just started this - while at the canter she will hop with her front legs ever so often - she is more likely to do this on her right lead only - is it a sign of discomfort? this mare has had a bucking issue and now that is under control now this - we are thinking its just attitude again , Is there a way to stop her from doing this ?

ANSWER: Hello Jodi,

Hello Jodi,
I would need to know a lot more information in order to give you an informed opinion.
I need to know her age and her past experiences and training.
I need to know your level of riding and working with horses.

You mentioned that she had had a bucking issue. This is often a sign of discomfort, lack of balance, saddle fit or bit problems, inexperience on the part of the rider,uneven ground, etc.

This is not meant to "put down" your expertise. I have been working with horses for many, many years and I still have so much to learn and I still take lessons.

Yes, hopping on her front legs mainly on the right lead may be a sign of discomfort or weakness. Do you lunge her? Correct lungeing can do wonders to strengthen a horse and look for problems. This means the horse is calm and responsive on the lunge line, not dashing about as you see some people do.

Write more details and I will be happy to try to pinpoint the problem for you.

Mitzi Summers

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: She is a dutch warm blood mare 6 years old - we just found out that her previous owner kept sticking her in 30 day training starting at 2 every year until 5 - she would sit in a paddock the rest of the year - saddle was an issue according to the chiro - so we had a saddle made for her - she had her ovaries checked and a massage therapist also - everyone says she is fine - she is being riding around 5 days aweek - some dressage and jumped one day small X ,she wont bend on her ride side and when asked she sucks back , we are going slowly with her but this hoping thing is new , only on the right lead and when you have contact - trying to send her forward - its like she is trying to protect herself - past injury or something - we just love her to death , frustrating - Jodi


You are certainly going through the right channels to determine what is going on.
Obviously the early training probably did not benefit her physically or mentally, but now you have been consistent with her.

I would imagine that you brought her along very slowly when you did start working with her.
Do you long line and lunge her? I would go back to that a bit.....large, calm circles on the lunge line. ...always asking her for strength and balance. It is too bad they started her at 2 if that meant riding. There could be a physical problem that people are not certainly sounds like it.

As you know, horses have reasons...usually good ones, for their behavior. Careful with what you are doing until this problem resolves. Dressage is fine if you are riding her calmly forward on light contact-it is not if anyone is telling you to get her on the bit.... until she becomes "happier". When she is going you know, she will round and go "on the bit" naturally.

You may want a second opinion with your vet or chiropractor. You might try a Bitless Bridle to make certain it has nothing to do with mouth issues. I would not jump her at all until you know what is going on. She may take quite a bit of time to overcome the poor start she got before you got her. Be patient and proactive as you are being.

If you want to share your email, I have a client and friend who has been doing therapeutic massage for 16 years....she has taken many classes. I could send her your email and maybe she could give you more insight.

Please let me know how it is going.
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