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within how many days i will become good show jumping rider

20 17:21:57

hello, i want to become a show jumping rider. please give me some safety tips on how to become a show jumping rider. within how many days i will become a good and perfect show jumping rider if i learn it correctly and practice it daily for 1/2 hour with the instructor on a full fledged show jumping horse(experienced show jumping horse). tell me roughly

Hard question to answer....

Geortge Morris says it in not so much innate ability but perisitence and dedication.

It takes YEARS of riding to become a GOOD show jumping rider. You want to be able to benefit the horse.

Start with small fences just as a horse does, and you need to be lunged on a horse, no reins and no stirrups, for many, may hours to develop an independent seat. The knowledge of your instructor and his/her experience is of paramount importance.

No one is perfect. if you are riding schooled horses who will teach you, it is easier.