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Green Broke Mare

20 17:22:19

QUESTION: Hey, I have a question regarding my four year old greenbroke mare and I was hoping you could help me out. I am traing my mare, Epona, to ride, groundmanners, etc...and I'm currently lost on how to continue. She knows how to walk, jog, lope, neck rein, leg pressure and circles. What other essential things do you think I could teach her? Also how do you teach a young horse collection, cause this mare definatly has none! Thank you for your time and I hope you can help me on this.

ANSWER: Hello Marianne,

The basic thing we need to think about when schooling and training our horses, whatever age, is how to make certain that we are strengthening them physically (and mentally) to be able to do the tasks that we desire without doing harm to the horse.

Frankly, as you probably know, riding can be difficult for them in keeping their backs and bodies free from stress and problems. That is one reason all riders need knowledgable people on the ground helping them with THEIR riding no matter what their level may be...that our bodies are riding our horses correctly.

When we are riding our horse we are either strengthening them or breaking them done...period. Not realizing this has caused so many horses to become lame way before their time.You need to consider the QUALITY of the things you have already taught her first.Are you able to bend her correctly in whatever you are doing? Are her circles in a true "C" shape, with the hind legs following the track of her front legs?

Are you trying some lateral work with her? At the walk a lot of bend, change of bend, counter bend, leading to leg yields, slight shoulder- ins,, eventually hauches in. Done correctly, these movements just strengthen any horse, western or English.

Collection (correct collection) will depend on her ability to load her hauches with more of her (and your weight). She needs to be supple longitudinally and laterally. You need to work on her transitions.....walk to jog, forward to jog, lope to jog, walk to halt, etc. If you give her the aids to do this and help her learn to do these from Back to Front, with your seat and legs and THEN hands initiating the transitions, then she will be able to collect without any force.

Do not be influeneced if you see other people "collecting" their horse by yanking on their mouths, and using devices, tie-downs, spurs, etc. A spur is for a trained horse and rider to give exact aids...tie-downs mean the RIDER is not able to ride ther horse correctly..not that the horse is lacking in ability.

If you train with the basic, correct fundamentals, it will carry through when you specialize your requirements for the horse, whether it be western pleasure, hunt seat, or dressage. If you have further questions, (which, really, you hopefully will, ) you can email me at EXPERTS or at

When people realize how a horse needs TIME to accept the weight of a rider and the demands of a rider, hopefully these much-touted 2 and 3 day COWBOY CHALLENGES will cease. Great fun for the riders and spectators.....eventual trouble in so many ways for the unfortunate horses being used to promote the ego of "trainers". It is like my telling you that you need to do certian gymnastic exercises by tomorrow WITH a back pack on you and if you do not you will be run around, and physically and mentally challenged until you either do it and maybe ruin your body for years to come, or just break down.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hey, Thanks for your answer! There are still a few questions I would like to ask you. In the beginning you asked if she does perfect circles, and I know for a fact she doesn't. I think all she is doing is turning her head in towards the circle. I really want her to learn how to do great circles because I plan on training her to barrel race next spring if she is ready, and if she is no good at circles, then she'll be no good at barrels. So I was wondering, how do you teach a horse to do nice circles? Thank you for your time.

Hi Marianne,

In order for a horse to be physically able to do whatever you require of him, he needs to learn gymnastic "maneuvers" in order to stretch and strengthen and supple his muscles.

You need to think about how straight the vertebrae in his back is.....any horse can learn the exercises necessary for this....including lateral work. But we will start with circles first.

One thing I do as ground work is correct longing, and I think I have articles on this on my website. Round penning is not helpful in this. Then when you are riding your horse think that he needs to be in a "C" shape, with his head and neck on the same bend as his haunches. One side will be more difficult for him. right or left).

You need to be certain that you are asking him correctly. He needs to yield his rib cage to your inside leg, but your outside leg supports his haunches so he does not just escape through you outside leg. You ask him with a direct inside rein and a supporting outside rein.

I have my students "swivel" to do this. Think about where your center is....the space between your navel and the lower back of your waist. Put one hand on your navel (where your belt buckle is), and where your sacrum starts. Try this on the ground first. If you point your "belt buckle" to the right, you can feel that your inside leg wants to engage. Your outside hip joint opens and allows your outside leg to to come back a bit to make certain that your horse will stay in the "C" shape.

Now put your hands out in front of you as if you are riding . As you can see, your center swiveling initiates what your hands (arms) should direct to your horse.If you read CENTERED RIDING by Sally Swift, it has illustrations and more copy that will help you.Practice changes of bend with your horse, figure eights, etc., but first practice this at the walk, then later the trot.