Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > ridding


20 17:47:00

Hi i am really struggling with my haflinger mare she has started playing up Since i have got her i have had trouble cantering her but on my right rein she is really good but as soon as i go onto my other rein she starts playing up and wont canter on the right leg she has started throwing her head around and sneezing i don't know what to do with her anymore. I was just wondering if a pony has to be worked every day. Please help me
Thank you Ashleigh x

Not familiar with the term playing up and on right rein?  I think you are talking about her right and left lead.  Most horses have a good side and an off side.  If you are using or have access to a round pen you can try and fix it there.  Horses that know and change leads on their own will normally do it under saddle (when you are riding).  Throwing her head could be a sign of resistance or display that she does not know how to change leads. A horse running off lead is also called cross firing, it is not smooth and is rough on horse and rider.  By round penning and changing directions you will cause her to pick up her left lead.  By making her do small turns either on line or in a round pen, she will learn that picking up the correct lead is easier.

Head throwing can also be a sign of pain, make sure the bit is not too tight or hurting her.  Most horses can be ridden with a halter in a round pen.  They can't go too far and will learn not to run through the halter when they get tired.  I would put a halter on horse, round pen it, teach her to give to halter.  Have it change directions at a canter so it can learn to change leads.  Then get on horse in round pen and ride it with just a halter, if it cross fires, pick up speed and  try and push the rear to the outside to help her pick up correct lead.

Hope this is what you were asking, feel free to shoot me a follow-up is I was not clear or misunderstood questions.
