Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > My horse seems to be afraid to be alone

My horse seems to be afraid to be alone

21 8:54:19

I have a 5 year old paint draft mix, that I bought a year ago.  He came from heard of about 25 other horses.  My sister and I bought 3 of the 25.  But I can't seem to get my horse Jack to not be afraid of riding alone or really get him to not be afraid of everything when it is windy.  He seems to hate trailers and I need to keep him eating to get him to settle down to get his hoves trimmed.  I don't know what to do because besides all of that he is very sweet and loves kids.
I hope you can help,
ANSWER: Hi Cheryl,
         Could you tell me what his exact behaviors are so that I can help you with this?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

Jack has issues riding alone on the trails that we ride all the time with my sister and one of her horses.  When we go out on the trail alone he seems to spook at everything that we normally see riding. He also trys to turn around and go back home we do this at least 6 times.  Then I can get him to go a little further.  When we get about  a third of the way out he Winnies for the other horses, and when he does not here them he seems to get even more agitated and harder to handle until we just come back to the barn.  I don't know what to do to make him feel safe with out any other horses?

Hi Cheryl,
         Your horse is herd bound. What you need to do is make him secure with you. When you go out to ride him instead of starting the ride at home, trailer him to the place you are riding at. This way he does not see his friends and will get used to being ridden without them.  Since he is in a place that is not familiar to him he will then have to rely more on you. If he becomes agitated during the ride then dismount and walk him a bit and when he quiets down get back on him. You may have to walk him in circles whenever he acts out. When he is calm give him a snack so that he associates being with you without his friends as a good thing. On the way home walk him. Go past your driveway several times. When you get home spend time with him. Brush him off, give him a treat, put him in his stall for 5 minutes and then let him out with his friends. Just take your time with him. If his behaviors do not improve you may have to look at sending him to a professional trainer though.
