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saddle training

20 17:22:30

  I am free leasing a 10 yr old mare who has never been trained to ride, but has had someone on her back (at that time, they didn't know she wasn't trained) and was fine.  More than 5 different people who have been around horses a lot have told me to give her back to her owner, and not try to train her to ride.  They're telling me it's just not going to happen, and if I want to have a horse, to get a horse that's actually trained, and suitable to a new owner.  Honestly, I have two different feelings going around in my brain.  1, if these people are really experts, they would know better than me.  2, everyone started somewhere, why shouldn't I start here?  Why couldn't it work?  Aren't we supposed to give every horse, and every willing person a chance?  So, what are your thoughts?  Do you think I should try to train her?  Or should I give her back?

Hi M.J.
A 10 y/o mare, not trained who has had someone on it's back. This brings recent memories. A customer recently brought me a 9 y/o mare. He told me she was "trained" and that you could ride her bareback. After assessing the horse I found that, yes you could climb on her bareback and she would move out....with a halter only. Put a bit in her mouth and she sulls up or would go where she wanted to go. I did agree to train the horse.
Yes, I agree, all horses deserve a chance to show their potential. But keep in mind an older horse is harder to train and takes alot of time and patience. More than a younger horse because they have learned alot more bad habits.
The "experts" you refer to are well meaning and probably are concerned with your safety. But yes the mare is trainable. All horses are trainable.
I would not have accepted the horse on a lease...even free....if I knew the horse was untrained.
Are there arrangements for you to buy the horse after it is trained?
You didn't mention how much riding experience you have or how much training experience you have. That will play a big factor in your decision. Keep in mind that it will take longer and much more patience to train this older horse.
Are you willing to put that much effort and time into a horse YOU don't own???
Think about that in your decision making.
In the end it is only you who can make that decision.
I hope I have been of some help to you. If you need to consult me more you can reach me through my email:
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Good luck and stay safe.