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Wont allow you to mount.

21 8:54:08

I have an 8 year old Percheron Mare.  She has only been start for 3months now.  She was a brood mare and never ridden or handled except for breeding.  I have taught her to lunge and ride.  She responds to both wonderfully.  She has even begun to side pass very well...all in 3.5 months.  My problem is that upon initially training her I would mount her from a mount block.  She would stand and allow this.  She would also allow mounting from the ground. Just recently, two to three weeks, she wont stand and let you mount her.  She moves, backs up or jumps away as soon as I put my foot to the stirrup.  This is from the mount block and from the ground.  Once I am on her, she is fine.  The perfect little girl, but it may take 10-15 mins to mount her!  What could have changed?

Hi Edward! initial thought is this ~ While having been exposed to working around humans her whole life she is basically at ease with them.  Coupled with a genuinely easy going personality and you had an apt and willing pupil.  And there is the rub.  She was most likely overloaded by too much, too fast and is now saying "WHOA!  I really can't take anymore, so I will show my uneasiness at mounting (the initial indication of riding and working).

I am sure you found her brilliant and moved along quickly because...and Edward, I am only being honest tend to have goals and like to march straight towards them.

She could not tell you it was a little too much because she wanted to please you.  This is a common thing in training and this is where a good trainer says "That'll do" and allows one thing to stick solidly before moving on to the next level.

My advice is to back off of her a bit, make sure she is getting plenty of T/O and time with you that is not intensely focused on a gaol.  Then, ask her to mount from where you prefer (block or ground) and have a helper with a treat for her when she stands still.  Even for only a few seconds, give her a treat.  When she catches on that treats are available in exchange for letting you on her, continue the good times by making the rides relaxed and short.

Make her fall in love with you all over again and get back her mind as well as her body.  You did not do anything wrong, just got her a little too stimulated and now she is telling you about it!

Good luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet!
