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My New Horse

21 8:54:09

I just got a new horse and she is my first. I named her Claire. I am younger than 15 and I have been riding for two years. My riding instructor and I share this horse but she is a silent owner and I need help on what is the correct age to start training a horse? And also how do I make her know her name is Claire??

Hi Anonymous!

You did not say your horse's age, breed, how long you have owned her and what your goals are with her.

But, I can safely say, in the broadest of terms, training should begin immediately.  A foal should be wearing a halter, being led and touched all over ASAP.  A weanling should already stand for grooming and be preparing for standing for the farrier and vet or whatever else.

As for the specifics of breaking to saddle.....that starts with ground training at the time of weaning.  When to put on the saddle and ride is particular to each horse.  Sometimes it depends on the breed and sometimes it depends on their physical health.  It is best to always have your vet out do an an examination and then tell you just what your horse is prepared to do.

As for her learning her new name, I suggest repeating it often while you look at her, during grooming and of course when you call to her to come to you.  Occasionally re-enforcing this with a treat is fine.  She will not learn her name so much, as the familiar sound of your voice and pitch.  I have a horse in the barn that nickers when he hears his owner laugh when she comes in.  She's very good natured and she usually speaks to me first, we get to laughing and Max sticks his head out and nickers to her before he even sees her!  LOL!!

Say her name in the same inflection each time and she will get the cue very quickly.  Haven't you ever heard horses "calling" to each other?  I am sure they know each other by their distinctive voices.  Claire will quickly come to learn yours  :-)

Good luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet!
