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3 year old gelding - Rick Gore Horsemanship

20 17:21:11

Hi Rick! As you probably already know, I'm Michelle. I've been around horses my entire life and as I got older my heart went out to abused and troubled horses, so I mostly work with training those types of horses now. So recently I bought a 3 year old gelding to rescue him from a bad situation, the current owners knew nothing of his past, so things are a blank slate for me as to his history. He is very affectionate, and actually could be the first horse to lick someone to death so I don't think he's been abused BUT  whenever you try to lead him anywhere, after about 10 feet he lunges forward, starts bucking and takes off. I'm about 5'3 and 130 lbs so I can't hold him back, and it has proven to be dangerous for me because of how close I am to him when he does this. I did read some of your website first before contacting you, and I did/ am trying to act like the dominate horse, but I still must be doing something wrong, do you have any suggestions for me? He's truly a brilliant and wonderful horse and I am not willing to give up on him, but I know I need some help.
Thank you so much for your time,

You blew it several ways, went too fast, set horse up to fail, tried to test and see if things worked out instead of taking your time, showing the horse what you wanted slowly and setting him up to succeed.

All horses a brilliant and wonderful and all horses get scared and all horses will react and all horses will buck and all will run off and all will kick and all will fail when people try  and do things wrong and think they are doing something right.

You were lucky and as I say on my site: Luck is NOT a strategy with horses.

I suggest you read my entire site and watch all my videos so you learn how to think like a horse and not think like a smart human.  There is a big difference.

Educate yourself about horses so you understand them better and then you will see why this was not a good way for the horse.