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colt rears

20 17:45:04

Hi Lisa,
I hope you can offer some advice. I have a wonderful 6 month old colt. Like his dam he is a nice natured and usually laid back sort. He stands perfectly to be haltered, groomed and picks his feet up without any problems. Up until recently he has also always led well, however lately he has started to rear. Some days he walks perfectly well but others he is out of control. I always praise him when he is good and reprimand him when he rears (with a sharp tap of the whip) but when he is in that state of mind he continues to rear. Do you think this behaviour is hormone related? He tends to perform like this when the mare is in season. Also is there anything else I can do to try and stop his rearing?
Thanks for your help.

Hi Katie,
          Rearing is a normal behavior in young foals and one that can be changed easily with training. Start using a lead rope that has a rope that will go over his nose.  Anytime your horse rears you will want to smack him on the chest with your whip and pull his head down and to the side. The rope will apply pressure and he will go down to get away from it. As soon as his feet hit the ground, then release the pressure. While you are doing this tell your horse in a firm voice down. Make sure that you are not standing in front of him so that you are not hit by his legs.
