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2 year old nervous gelding

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I purchased a 2 year old QH gelding about a month ago and I need some advise.  He was gelded in May 2011.  He seems to be very nervous in the field.  He paces the fence line non stop.  He is in a field by himself but next to my 30 year old gelding which I didn't want to put them together until I was more familiar with the 2 year old.  He seems to try and be very dominant/pushy until I started to stand in front of his food and not let him near it for 15 to 30 seconds and that seems to be helping. When I walk him to the next door neighbors to use the out door arena we have to walk past several other geldings, mares and mules and he gets very stallion like (prancing, arched neck, snickering and drops his manhood down)when he does this I make him lounge in a small circle, which seems to help a little.  Is there anything else I can try for the stallion like behavior and the pacing in the field?

He is still a baby, of course he is going to do all the things you say. I would not call him a stallion. Put him in with the older guy, they will push, bite and kick but will be buddies in a few days if you stay out of it and don't try and save him or  protect him.  

If you had watched my videos or read my site you would not be asking these questions.