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needing help

20 17:20:12

i got a 5yr old quater horse gelding that i broke when was stud but he has about always had the problem of trying to turn (left)if you are running and if your close to woods you better be on your toes you  cant hardly turn right when running. is there any suggestions???he is a really good horse anyone can ride him except got watch if wana run

I am not sure I understand why you are running him.  Is he being used on cattle or something where it is important for him to go wide open?

He may not have received enough training, on how to respond to cues, or it could be that his flight instinct is overriding them.  He could also have dental problems that are aggravated by going faster with the motion of bit in his mouth, or it could be that he is naturally tighter on his left side, or saddle is pinching, or even could have some sort of medical problem going on.

I would find a good chiropractor, and an equine massage therapist, after ruling out some sort of skeletal problem/medical problems or dental.

And more suppling exercises, when doing ground work might help too.  Stretches, flexing and making sure horse is worked to both directions to ensure he is limber.