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Working in an outline

20 17:45:05

Hello Solange. One of my horses, a cob type, just won't work in an outline. I don't know what to do to help him. I ride him in a frnech link which he seems happy with. Can you suggest anything?

Hi Stephanie!

My understanding of a cob-type horse is hat they generally have very high head carriages naturally. This means that their neck ties into their back at an angle that when standing relaxed their head is up high, instead of their neck coming straight out of their back causing them to carry their heads lower naturally.

I am going to assume that by outline you mean something like a dressage head carriage where the horse arcs their neck until their nose is perpendicular to the ground and they round their back.

Your horse may physically be incapable of maintaining this position.

You need to ask yourself, if my horse is going well why do I want to train him to do this? Is it necessary?

If you still want to further investigate putting a headset on your mount find a trainer in your area who is well regarded, and most importantly!
Understands and works with your type of horse!
Have them evaluate your mount physically to diagnose if your horse has a the conformation to maintain an outline. If so they should then be able to explain the training process to you.

Good luck and always remember to wear your ASTM/SEI approved helmet!