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falling over when trying to sleep

21 8:55:03

I recently came into a 6 yr old exracer TB gelding. He was retired from a great career just this past September.  I am head over hooves in love with him and I am worried about a few behaviors which don't seem "right".  Given I am not even close to an expert, I know that typically horses lock in their legs to fall asleep, or lay down to get their deep sleep.  My baby, will fall asleep anywhere, at anytime, and doesn't lock in his knees and can be seen catching himself before falling over, or stumbling down to his knees.  He also stumbles over his hooves every once in a while, almost like dragging them and not quite getting to the point of planting his hooves down squarely.  He is extremely mellow for an exracer.  He has been weaned down from his grains and is in pasture 24/7 with 2 other gelding TB.  He is the herd leader and gets quite upset at the other 2 when they attempt to visit me at the gate. In most other aspects he acts fine and can be very animated and vocal. Vet gave him a clean bill of health 7/06 with his last owner. I took over ownership 11/11/06. What should I check into to make sure he is okay?

Hi Rhonda!

Your TB needs to be seen by a veteranarian again.  If you still do not have all the answers you want, get a second opinion.  Please Google this too, "equine epm" and read about it.  I am not saying your boy has it but, from what you've told me he is exhibiting many of the symptoms.  EPM would not show up in an exam unless he was specifically tested for it.

Your gelding may be experiencing neurological problems that you are mistaking for "falling asleep" and he requires immediate medical attention.

On a final note, he cannot be ridden until this problem is diagnosed and fully treated.  For his safety as well as yours. I am sure you realised this but, I am obligated to say it.

Good Luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet!
