Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > What is a true lope?

What is a true lope?

20 17:24:11

hello sir/madam, please define "wope" in equine terms??

figure this is a typo (I know how THAT is!)and that you meant "lope".

The lope is usually used as the term for western horses for a collected canter. It should still have three footfalls, the same as a canter.Western horses typically have a longer frame, and they may be a bit more on their forehand than a horse used for hunt seat, dressage, or reining.

Western Pleasure horses are supposed to travel in a slightly loose rein, but they should NOT travel completely on their forehand, nor carry their heads and necks lower than an imaginary line coming from their withers forward over the poll.

Unfortunately, especially in some Breed Shows,it has become common for trainers to force the horses into carrying themselves in a false, unnatural "frame",with their heads extremely low and the gait artificially slowed down into sometimes a four beat gait.As long as this is rewarded by uneducated judges, unfortunately this practice will persist.

Horses as often forced into this incorrect movement by being yanked continually in the mouth, tied with their heads up to make them sore, bled(unfortunately this is not a grisly rumor),and tied with their heads in unnatural positions. All of this is cruel and also not necessary in order to achieve a true, free, lope that is beneficial to horse and rider.

Please feel free to write again.