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My new 10 month old appaloosa

21 8:54:21

I am getting a appaloosa which is 6 months old she is getting trained to lead . when I get her in August she will be 10 months old because this is the first horse I have had this young-I have broken horses in.I am not sure what I should do to keep her freindly and quite but happy at her age.When she is broken in I am going to train her for showing , showjumping and x-country is there any bits of equipment you have found very useful to train a horse??? If you get this letter please write back to or

Congrats on your new filly!  There are many things that will help your young horse grow into a happy and well mannered riding horse.  Young horses need exposure to many things so that they are not overwhelmed when you first start them under saddle at 3 years old.  During this year, you will be continuing to handle her in a halter and lead rope, and you could hand walk her over poles on the ground and other obstacles.  Keep in mind that she should NOT be doing any hard work at this point, and  should NOT be wearing a chain on her nose to control her. Do not lunge her at this age!  Next year, as a yearling, continue with the ground work and perhaps take her for longer walks on trails if you have access to them. I usually work with yearlings in hand to teach them to back, sidepass, turn on forehand and haunches, etc. You can also start teaching her to lunge as a yearling (in a halter only), but NO hard work and no really small circles which can be very hard on their growing legs.  At the end of her yearling year, you can introduce a bridle with snaffle bit and teach her to ground drive or long line with a surcingle or harness.  If you aren't familiar with this, please get help from a professional.  This phase is very crucial for developing a good working relationship with your young horse.  I personally, NEVER ride a 2 year old horse, but I train them to drive and work gently with a cart for the remainder of the 2 year old year.  Finally, when they turn three and you are ready to start them under saddle, the have experience with lots of obstacles, bridle, harness -- and they know how to steer and stop -- which is very important!  Many people just put the tack on them, and try to get on once they're o.k with the saddle and bridle....keep in mind that they are only carrying the tack, and have NO idea what it means when you pull the reins to steer or stop!  This leads to panic, bolting, bucking and eventually the rider WILL fall off.....which only teaches the horse that they can and should get rid of the rider!  Please take your time and get help from a trainer for any part of the training that you have issues with.

Good luck!