Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > what type of a bit is this

what type of a bit is this

20 17:21:20

sir, please dont tell that this is out of your expertise or a homework question. i am unable to find what type of bit is this.

what type of a bit is this, please look at the bit ring, the shank is present on the outer side of the bit ring but not on the inner side. in india, this bit is commonly used on marwari and kathiawari horses. is this severe bit one to horses?

The picture link of the bit did not come through. Try to find out who makes the bit and go to their site to find the name. Without a look at the bit from my part, I cannot give you any info on the bit. AND......once again I tell you.......IT IS NOT THE BIT THAT IS SEVERE..BUT THE HANDS THAT CONTROL THE BIT. You can use the "mildest" bit in the world. But if you use it incorrectly, it can be severe.