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need help for training

20 17:39:03

We recently purchased a 5 yr old paint mare. She is a family use horse (the kids,husband,and I all ride/brush/play) with her: met and researched her 'parents' to find a mellow,laid back,easy going,curious and never spook horse: we got what we searched for and no matter what she doesn't spook (including the boys running hot wheels on her) she's actually more curious than anything - almost nosey and has to be in the middle of it all. She will even kick a ball back to the kids (giant beach ball type)to play. Great kids horse!
Our problem is she's lazy - down right lazy while riding. (She's been vet checked thoroughly top to bottom, and her tack is a good fit (checked by a trainer to be sure)). We ride western, and using a D-ring copper inlaid snaffle bit. She was not started under saddle until 4 1/2 - so shes very green with only 6 mos on her.  Her theory is why trot if I can walk, and why walk if I can stand here looking around? Great for my 5 yr old, not so much for my 11 yr old who wants to join 4H and show. We change her routine all the time so she doesn't get bored: some days we'll work on "showmanship" walk,whoa,trot, etc groundwork, some days we'll ride (arena or trail ride), other just "play" ball in the arena, and other days just a good scratching a long grooming - we try not to do the same thing each day to try to tap into her curiosity and wonder what each day brings. She's a fast learner, and after only 6 months under saddle gets the basics - walk,jog,lope,back-up both directions, learning her head set and side pass. We ride western. Is there any suggestions to pick it up a little ? I am constantly pushing her forward while riding. I ride on a light rein in a snaffle, so I don't put much pressure on her mouth. She's a beautiful showy tobiano paint (lots black/white markings and even dappling) that stands out in a crowd - she'd make a great show horse (if she'd move out a little).She does run, rear, buck and play with the other horses in the field, and with the ball in the arena, so she does have it in her. whoa is never a problem with her - it's her favorite gait- just whisper the word and the brakes are applied immediately. Please, any good suggestions? I'd hate to give-up on such a good minded beautiful mare.

Hi, it sound likes you you have a wonderful (and beautiful) horse. You've ruled out physical issues, which leads me to two things. The first one is that although she's five, she's still immature under saddle and adjusting to a rider on her back and commands from above. The stronger and more comfortable she gets, the more freedom of movement she'll have. That said, since you described her as curious, I'd start introducing some fun and different exercises to peak her interest and get her thinking on her own. You can try many different things...from simple poles to walk and trot over, to small jumps, trail obstacles, such as sidepassing over poles, backing through cones, exercises like that, to get her thinking and also doing something different to evade boredom.

Best Wishes, Jen